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Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 159-163, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426889


O complexo de desordens hiperostóticas é uma condição rara e autolimitante, que tem as mesmas características histopatológicas, que cursa com proliferação óssea de caráter não neoplásico. Acomete cães jovens de raças distintas, com variabilidade quanto ao tipo de proliferação óssea e quanto aos ossos acometidos. O complexo é composto pela osteopatia craniomandibular, hiperostose da calota craniana e osteodistrofia hipertrófica. Podendo estar presente nos ossos da calota craniana, mandíbulas, coluna cervical e esqueleto apendicular. O presente relato, descreveu o quadro de uma cadela, da raça American Bully, não castrada, três meses de idade, que foi atendida com queixa de aumento de volume doloroso das mandíbulas, hiporexia e sialorreia há 15 dias, apresentando ao exame físico, amplitude de movimento diminuída e sensibilidade dolorosa da articulação temporomandibular, espessamento firme bilateral do crânio em região de fossa temporal, espessamento palpável de consistência firme das mandíbulas e crepitação respiratória. Após avaliação clínica e realização de exames complementares, chegou-se ao diagnóstico presuntivo, de complexo de desordens hiperostóticas. Foi instituído como conduta terapêutica o suporte analgésico, sendo eficaz para a manutenção das necessidades fisiológicas até a paciente alcançar a fase adulta. O prognóstico para esta paciente foi considerado bom, uma vez que não havia indícios de anquilose da articulação temporomandibular e/ou manifestações neurológicas.

The complex of hyperostotic disorders is a rare and self-limiting condition, which has the same histophatological characteristics, which courses with non-neoplastic bone proliferations. It affects young dogs of different breeds, with variability the bones affected. The complex is composed of craniomandibular osteopathy, calvarial hyperostotic syndrome and hypertrophic osteodystrophy. It may be present in the bones of the skullcap, jaws, cervical spine and appendicular skeleton. The present report describes the condition of a female dog, American Bully breed, entire, three months old, with a complaint of painful swelling of the jaws, hyporexia and drooling for 15 days, presenting on physical examination, reduced amplitude and pain of the temporomandibular joint, bilateral firm thickening of the skull in the temporal fossa region, palpable firm-consistent thickening of the mandibles and respiratory crackle. After clinical evaluation and complementary tests, a presumptive diagnosis of hyperostotic disorders complex was reached. It was instituted pain management as a treatment, being effective for the maintenance of physiological needs until the patient reaches the adulthood. The prognosis for this patient was considered good, since there was no evidence of temporomandibular joint ankylosis and/or neurological manifestations.

Animais , Cães , Articulação Temporomandibular/anormalidades , Desenvolvimento Ósseo , Hiperostose/veterinária , Transtornos Craniomandibulares/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Ossos Faciais/patologia , Analgésicos/uso terapêutico
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 189-193, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427143


O linfoma é uma neoplasia de alta recorrência na rotina oncológica de medicina veterinária. Pode ser classificado em linfoma Hodgking-liked, com raros casos descritos somente em felinos,e não Hodgking, sendo este segundo o mais comum, subdividido em linfomas B ou T. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a conduta clínica, diagnóstica e terapêutica do caso de uma cadela, de 12 anos, sem raça definida, que manifestava disúria, prostração, dor abdominal e ao exame físico a presença de uma massa na região hipogástrica. Esta foi diagnosticada com linfoma de grandes células por meio de exames de citologia e biópsia, com solicitação do exame de imunoistoquímica que confirmou linfoma difuso de grandes células de imunofenótipo B. Sem o envolvimento de nenhum outro sistema, classificou-se como linfoma primário de bexiga extranodal. O animal passou pelo tratamento quimioterápico realizando nove sessões de quimioterapia pelo protocolo de CHOP, contudo devido ao agravamento do caso a paciente veio a óbito cerca de sete meses após o diagnóstico da doença. O caso estudado foi de extrema importância para a compreensão de linfomas primários de bexiga em razão da escassez de informações relacionadas na literatura. Ainda, o cão é um excelente modelo experimental de linfomas não Hodgking em humanos, consequentemente compreender essa doença em cães promove a evolução conjunta da medicina humana.

Lymphoma is a highly recurrent rate neoplasm in the oncology routine of veterinary medicine. It can be classified into Hodgking-like, rarely described just in felines, and non-Hodgking lymphoma, the latter being the most commun, subdivided into B-cell lymphoma and T-cell lymphoma. The objective of this study was to report the clinical and therapeutic conduct within the diagnosis procedures of a 12-years-old female dog, mixed breed, who manifested dysuria, prostation, abdominal pain and on the physical examination a mass in the hypogastric region was noticed. This was diagnosed as a large cell lymphoma by means cytology and biopsy, also immunohistochemistry was required which confirmed the diffuse large cell lymphoma of immunophenotyping B. Without any other sistem envolved, the neoplasm was classified as primary urinary bladder lymphoma extranodal. The animal underwent chemotherapy, performing nine sessions according to the Madison protocol, however, due to the worsening of the case, the patient died about seven months after the diagnosis of the disease. This case was extremely importante for the understanding of primary urinary bladder lymphomas due to the scarcity of informations in the literature. Also, dog is an excellent experi,emtal model of non Hodgking lymphomas in humans, thus understandig this disease in dogs promotes the joint evolution of human medicine.

Animais , Cães , Bexiga Urinária/anormalidades , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária , Extensão Extranodal/diagnóstico
BMC Vet Res ; 18(1): 18, 2022 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34991571


BACKGROUND: Deficiencies in vitamin A and D and disorders in the vitamin B complex are often present in people with chronic liver diseases. So far, the serum concentrations of these vitamins have not yet been studied in dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts (EHPSS), who also have some degree of liver dysfunction. The objective was to assess serum vitamin concentrations in dogs with EHPSS from diagnosis to complete closure. A prospective cohort study was performed using ten client-owned dogs with EHPSS, closed after gradual surgical attenuation. Serum concentrations of vitamin A, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, folic acid, cobalamin and methylmalonic acid (MMA) were measured at diagnosis prior to institution of medical therapy, prior to surgery, and three months after gradual attenuation and complete closure of the EHPSS. RESULTS: At diagnosis, median serum concentrations of vitamin A, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and folic acid were 18.2 µg/dL (8.8 - 79.5 µg/dL), 51.8 ng/mL (19.4 - 109.0 ng/mL), and 8.1 µg/L (5.2 - 14.5 µg/L), respectively, which increased significantly postoperatively (88.3 µg/dL (51.6 - 182.2 µg/dL, P=0.005), 89.6 ng/mL (49.3 - >150.0 ng/mL, P =0.005), and 14.8 µg/L (11.5 - 17.7 µg/L, P <0.001), respectively). Median serum cobalamin concentrations were 735.5 ng/L (470 - 1388 ng/L) at diagnosis and did not significantly decrease postoperatively (P =0.122). Both at diagnosis and three months postoperatively 7/10 dogs had hypercobalaminemia. CONCLUSIONS: Serum concentrations of vitamin A, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and folic acid significantly increase after surgical attenuation. Nevertheless, persistent hypercobalaminemia is suggestive of ongoing liver dysfunction, despite successful surgery.

Cães , Sistema Porta , Deficiência de Vitamina B 12 , Animais , Estudos de Coortes , Cães/anormalidades , Cães/sangue , Cães/cirurgia , Ácido Fólico/sangue , Hipervitaminose A/veterinária , Sistema Porta/anormalidades , Sistema Porta/cirurgia , Estudos Prospectivos , Vitamina A/sangue , Vitamina B 12/sangue , Deficiência de Vitamina B 12/veterinária , Vitamina D/análogos & derivados , Vitamina D/sangue
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 50-53, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393368


A leptospirose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial que pode acometer cães e ser altamente letal para a espécie. No Brasil, tal enfermidade tem caráter endêmico na espécie canina e configura-se como um sério problema de saúde pública. Objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência dos sorogrupos/sorovares de Leptospira spp. que mais acometem cães com suspeita clínica de leptospirose na cidade de Santa Maria ­ RS, Brasil, analisando sua titulação de anticorpos. No estudo, utilizou-se os laudos dos exames de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) para leptospirose de 218 cães provenientes da cidade de Santa Maria ­ RS durante o período de janeiro de 2015 a dezembro de 2019. Todos os laudos foram emitidos pelo Laboratório de Leptospirose (LabLepto - UFSM). Das 218 amostras de soro processadas nos cinco anos, 101 (46,33%) resultaram positivas para, pelo menos, um sorogrupo/sorovar testado. Este estudo demonstrou maior ocorrência do sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae (53,37%) contemplado pelas sorovares Copenhageni e Icterohaemorrhagiae, com 49 (30,06%) e 38 (23,31%) soros reagentes, respectivamente. As titulações variaram de 100 a 6400, sendo que a mais recorrente encontrada nas amostras deste estudo foi 100, representando 47,85% dos títulos de anticorpos. Os dados obtidos neste estudo são de grande valia para o conhecimento dos sorogrupos/sorovares circulantes na região e sua epidemiologia podendo, inclusive, auxiliar para futuras formulações vacinais considerando sorogrupos/sorovares mais frequentemente detectados, contribuindo, assim, com a saúde pública.

Leptospirosis is a worldwide distribution zoonosis that can affect dogs and be highly lethal for the species. In Brazil, this disease is endemic in the canine species and represents a serious public health problem. The aim of this study was to verify the occurrence of Leptospira spp. that most affect dogs with clinical suspicion of leptospirosis in the city of Santa Maria ­ RS, Brazil, analyzing their antibody titers. In the study, we used the reports of microscopic agglutination tests (MAS) for leptospirosis in 218 dogs from the city of Santa Maria - RS during the period from January 2015 to December 2019. All reports were issued by the Leptospirosis Laboratory (LabLepto - UFSM). Of the 218 serum samples processed over the five years, 101 (46.33%) were positive for at least one serogroup/serovar tested. This study showed a higher occurrence of serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae (53.37%) covered by serovars Copenhageni and Icterohaemorrhagiae, with 49 (30.06%) and 38 (23.31%) reagent sera, respectively. The titers ranged from 100 to 6400, and the most recurrent found in the samples in this study was 100, representing 47.85% of the antibody titers. The data obtained in this study are of great value for understanding the serogroups/serovars circulating in the region and their epidemiology, and may even contribute to future vaccine formulations considering the most frequently detected serogroups/serovars, thus contributing to public health.

Animais , Cães , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Cães/anormalidades , Sorogrupo , Zoonoses Bacterianas/epidemiologia , Leptospira , Leptospirose/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 59-63, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395508


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prevalência de Clostridioides difficile e suas toxinas (A/B) nas fezes de animais domésticos de um Hospital Veterinário Universitário de Teresina - PI. A detecção de C. difficile e suas toxinas foi realizada por meio de um ensaio imunoenzimático, denominado C. Diff Quik Chek Complete® (TECHLAB), capaz de detectar antígeno Glutamato Desidrogenase (GDH) e as toxinas A/B produzidas pelo bacilo, realizado em amostras fecais de cães (C. lupus) e e gatos (Felis catus) coletadas entre agosto de 2019 a setembro de 2020. Um total de 54 amostras fecais foram analisadas, das quais 16 foram positivas para C. difficile (29,63%). 68,75% (11/16) pertenciam a caninos, enquanto 31,25% (5/16) a felinos. Amostras diarreicas e não diarreicas foram utilizadas para o estudo e uma maior prevalência do bacilo pôde ser identificada em amostras diarreicas (33%). Nenhuma das amostras apresentou toxinas do patógeno. Os achados deste estudo evidenciam que C.difficile está presente no estado do Piauí. Foi possível identificá-lo em todas as espécies e em amostras diarreicas ou não, demonstrando que essa infecção pode se manifestar de formasintomática e assintomática, levantando a possibilidade de infecção cruzada entre o animal e seu tutor.

The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of Clostridioides difficile and its toxins (A/B) in the feces of domestic animals at a University Veterinary Hospital in Teresina - PI. The detection of C. difficile and its toxins was performed by an immunogenic enzyme, called C. Diff Quik Chek Complete® (TECHLAB), capable of detecting antigen glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and A/B toxins produced by this bacillus, performed in fecal samples of dogs (C. lupus) and cats (Felis catus) collected between August 2019 and September 2020.:54 stools were analyzed, of which 16 were positive for C. difficile (29.63%). 68.75% (11/16) belonged to canines, while 3.25% (5/16) to felines. Diarrheal and non-diarrheal diseases are used for the study and a higher prevalence of bacillus can be identified in diarrheal diseases (33%). None of the samples present pathogen toxins. The results of this study show that C. difficile is present in the state of Piauí. It can be identified in all species and in diarrheal or non-diarrheic samples, demonstrating that this infection can be symptomatic and asymptomatic, giving the possibility of cross-infection between the animal and its owner.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Gatos/anormalidades , Clostridioides difficile/patogenicidade , Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas/veterinária , Infecções por Clostridium/diagnóstico , Cães/anormalidades , Fezes/microbiologia , Zoonoses Bacterianas/diagnóstico
Open Vet J ; 11(1): 39-41, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33898282


Background: The congenital portosystemic shunt (PSS) is a common vascular anomaly in dogs. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is produced in various organs (including the small intestine, large intestine, and pancreas), leading to abdominal vasodilation, increased blood flow, increased pancreatic blood flow, and promotion of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine secretions. However, there have been no reports on the concentration of VIP in the portal and peripheral veins in canine PSS. Aim: The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate whether dogs with PSS have a different VIP concentration in their portal system in general. Methods: Six dogs with an extrahepatic portosplenic shunt were included in the study. Blood samples were taken from the saphenous and portal veins during PSS ligation surgery with an amerid constrictor, to evaluate and compare the VIP concentration in both samples. VIP was measured using a commercial canine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Results: The breeds included Mongrels (n = 2), Norfolk Terriers (n = 1), Miniature Dachshunds (n = 1), and Maltese (n = 2), and their ages were 9.3 ± 6.5 months; the bodyweight was 3.3 ± 0.8 kg. The concentration of VIP in the saphenous vein was 17.75 ± 13.88 pg/ml; on the contrary, the concentration of VIP in the portal vein was 29.7 ± 20.29 pg/ml. There was no significant difference in the VIP concentration between veins. Conclusion: There was no difference in the VIP concentration between the portal and saphenous veins, suggesting a non-association between VIP and the PSS, in the absence of portal hypertension.

Cães/anormalidades , Hipertensão Portal/veterinária , Sistema Porta/anormalidades , Peptídeo Intestinal Vasoativo/sangue , Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cães/sangue , Feminino , Hemodinâmica , Hipertensão Portal/fisiopatologia , Masculino , Projetos Piloto
Hum Genet ; 140(11): 1535-1545, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33599851


A frameshift deletion variant in the Wnt pathway gene dishevelled 2 (DVL2) is associated with a truncated, kinked tail ("screw tail") in English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Boston Terriers. These breeds are also characterized by distinctive morphological traits, including a wide head, flat face and short-limbed dwarfism, which are characteristic of Robinow syndrome in humans, caused by defects in genes such as DVL1 and DVL3. Based on these phenotypic and genetic similarities, it has previously been hypothesized that the canine DVL2 variant results in a syndromic phenotype called the Robinow-like syndrome. In our study, we investigated the distribution of the DVL2 variant in 1954 dogs from 15 breeds, identifying breeds with allele variation and enabling the dissection of the genotype-phenotype correlation for the first time. With CT examinations in American Staffordshire Terriers, we confirmed that the DVL2 allele is associated with caudal vertebral malformations and a brachycephalic phenotype. We also hypothesize that the variant may be linked to additional health conditions, including brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome and congenital heart defects. Altogether, our study strengthens the role of DVL2 as one of the contributors to the "bulldog type" morphology and features on the spectrum of human Robinow syndrome.

Craniossinostoses/veterinária , Proteínas Desgrenhadas/genética , Doenças do Cão/genética , Cães/genética , Coluna Vertebral/anormalidades , Animais , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/genética , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/veterinária , Craniossinostoses/diagnóstico por imagem , Craniossinostoses/genética , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Cães/anormalidades , Nanismo/diagnóstico por imagem , Nanismo/genética , Nanismo/veterinária , Feminino , Mutação da Fase de Leitura , Estudos de Associação Genética , Genótipo , Deformidades Congênitas dos Membros/diagnóstico por imagem , Deformidades Congênitas dos Membros/genética , Deformidades Congênitas dos Membros/veterinária , Masculino , Fenótipo , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Coluna Vertebral/diagnóstico por imagem , Cauda/anormalidades , Cauda/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Anormalidades Urogenitais/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidades Urogenitais/genética , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterinária
Vet Surg ; 50(3): 517-526, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33595152


OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of middle ear abnormalities in pugs and in French bulldogs and evaluate the influence of nasopharyngeal dimensions on middle ear effusion. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Thirty pugs and 30 French bulldogs with brachycephalic airway syndrome and no known history of ear disease. METHODS: Computed tomographic (CT) studies were reviewed for middle ear effusion, mucosal contrast enhancement, signs of osteitis, and tympanic wall thickness. Soft palate thickness and cross-sectional areas of the nasopharynx at the opening of the auditory tube were measured and normalized to each individual's skull index before statistical comparison between breeds. Statistical dependence of middle ear abnormalities and nasopharyngeal dimensions was assessed by using Spearman's rank correlation tests. RESULTS: Middle ear effusion was observed in 17 of 30 (56.7%) French bulldogs and five of 30 (16.7%) pugs. Contrast enhancement of the tympanic bulla was noted in 25 of 60 (41.6%) French bulldog ears and three of 60 (5.0%) pug ears. The cross-sectional airway dimensions (difference [Δ] = 0.31 cm2 , P < .0001) and soft palate thickness (Δ = 0.44 cm, P < .0001) were reduced in pugs compared with in French bulldogs. Weak correlations were detected between soft palate thickness and nasopharyngeal dimensions and presence of tympanic bulla effusion (r = 0.324 and r = 0.198, respectively) or contrast enhancement (r = 0.270 and r = 0.199, respectively). CONCLUSION: Middle ear effusion and inflammation were more common in French bulldogs than in pugs and did not seem related to nasopharyngeal dimensions. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: French bulldogs with brachycephalic airway syndrome seem predisposed to middle ear effusion and inflammation.

Craniossinostoses/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Cães/anormalidades , Inflamação/veterinária , Nasofaringe/efeitos da radiação , Otite Média com Derrame/veterinária , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária , Animais , Craniossinostoses/complicações , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Cão/etiologia , Orelha Média , Inflamação/diagnóstico por imagem , Inflamação/epidemiologia , Inflamação/etiologia , Nasofaringe/diagnóstico por imagem , Nasofaringe/fisiopatologia , Otite Média com Derrame/diagnóstico por imagem , Otite Média com Derrame/epidemiologia , Otite Média com Derrame/etiologia , Prevalência , Síndrome , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/efeitos adversos
Vet Surg ; 50(2): 353-364, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33103799


OBJECTIVE: To describe a three-dimensional (3D) computed tomographic (CT) methodology to measure the tibial torsion angle (TTa) and to evaluate intrarater and interrater agreements and accuracy through comparison with anatomic measurements. STUDY DESIGN: Ex vivo cadaveric study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Thirty-six tibiae from 18 dogs. METHODS: Tibial torsion angle of each tibia was measured by using two CT techniques (axial and 3D volume rendering) by three raters who blindly measured TTa in duplicate. A semitransparent bone filter was used to enhance the visibility of the target anatomical landmarks for the 3D volume rendering CT technique. Tibial torsion angle was also quantitated in tibial specimens. Intrarater and interrater agreements were analyzed by using intraclass coefficients (ICC). Accuracy was evaluated by using adjusted R2 coefficients (R2 > 80% was considered acceptable). RESULTS: The 3D volume rendering CT technique had excellent intrarater and interrater agreements (ICC > 0.94) and an R2 value of 97%. The axial CT technique had good to excellent intrarater and interrater agreements (0.8 < ICC < 0.95) and an R2 of 86%. No difference was found between axial and 3D CT techniques. A mean internal TT angle of approximately -6° was found with CT and anatomic measurements. CONCLUSION: The 3D volume rendering and axial CT techniques were precise and accurate for measuring TTa in dogs unaffected by patellar luxation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Combining 3D bone manipulation with application of a semitransparent filter allows simultaneous visualization of anatomic landmarks, which may facilitate the evaluation of complex bone deformations. Internal tibial torsion may be present in nonchondrodystrophic dogs without patella luxation.

Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Tíbia/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidade Torcional/veterinária , Animais , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Feminino , Masculino , Tíbia/anormalidades , Anormalidade Torcional/diagnóstico por imagem
Vet Radiol Ultrasound ; 62(1): 116-125, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33128837


The diagnosis of lung lobe torsion in dogs is usually based on radiological, endoscopic, and CT features. Few ultrasonographic descriptions have been published. The purpose of this multicenter, retrospective, and prospective observational study was to investigate the presence of a hypoechoic area forming a pulmonary band or line at the periphery of the twisted lobe on ultrasonography and assess its significance by comparing it to CT and histological findings. Fifteen dogs with lung lobe torsion confirmed surgically or postmortem were included. All had received ultrasonography and CT examinations; 13 had additional histopathological examination performed. In 14 cases, thoracic ultrasonography revealed a peripheral hypoechoic band, overlying areas of scattered, hyperreflecting interfaces in the affected lobe. On CT, central emphysema was surrounded by a peripheral, soft tissue attenuation band, affecting the periphery in 14 cases. No band was observed in one case, in which the lobe was entirely consolidated. Histological examination yielded a comparable peripheral band, consisting of a thickened visceral pleura with or without hemorrhagic necrosis of the underlying pulmonary parenchyma. This peripheral band may be related to the specific fractal organization of airways and vessels, which plays an important role in lung perfusion and ventilation and makes the lung periphery more prone to ischemia. Our findings suggest that the presence of a peripheral hypoechoic band, associated with central emphysema in a noncollapsed lung lobe on ultrasonography, is suggestive of compromised blood supply and air flow, and lung lobe torsion should therefore be suspected.

Cães/anormalidades , Pulmão/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidade Torcional/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Animais , Bélgica , Feminino , França , Pulmão/anormalidades , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Anormalidade Torcional/diagnóstico por imagem
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 1010-1017, Dec. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155040


Canine melanoma is a frequently-occuring neoplasm in dogs and presents as malignant and highly metastatic in this context, studies that contribute to the understanding of the tumor microenvironment in melanoma include the role of galectins. Galectins are proteins of the family of animal lectins that display carbohydrate recognition domains. Galectin-1 and galectin-3 are associated with neoplastic transformation, neoplastic cell survival, angiogenesis, immune system evasion, and metastasis. The goal of this study was to establish a correlation between expression patterns of galectin-1 and galectin-3 and the different degrees of aggressiveness of canine melanoma, as well as to determine serum concentration of galectin-3 in dogs with melanoma. Galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in 30 canine melanomas, six melanocytomas and nine metastatic lymph nodes from patients whose primary tumors were also processed and analyzed. Serum samples from 30 dogs were collected and galectin-3 concentration was determined by ELISA and compared to the samples of 10 healthy dogs. Canine melanoma samples expressed galectin-1 in the cytoplasm and presented a variable pattern of galectin-3 staining depending on melanoma aggressiveness. We observed a decrease in the percentage of cells with cytoplasmic galectin-3 immunolabeling simultaneous to the increased nuclear staining intensity, while there was also a decrease in the percent frequency of nuclear galectin-3 immunolabeled cells according to progression of melanoma, comparing the least to the most aggressive cases. Dogs with melanoma had increased serum levels of galectin-3 when compared to healthy animals, suggesting its potential biomarker of patients with melanoma.(AU)

O melanoma canino é uma neoplasia frequente em cães que apresenta um potencial maligno e metastático. Neste contexto, investigar o microambiente tumoral é fundamental para compreender os mecanismos intercelulares e intracelulares envolvidos no desenvolvimento e progressão da doença. Neste estudo, destacamos as galectinas, proteínas da família das lectinas animais que exibem domínios de reconhecimento à carboidratos; a galectina-1 e a galectina-3 estão associadas a transformação neoplásica, sobrevivência de células neoplásicas, angiogênese, evasão do sistema immune e desenvolvimento de metástases. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os padrões de expressão de galectina-1 e galectina-3 em diferentes graus de agressividade do melanoma canino, bem como dosar a concentração sérica de galectina-3 em cães com melanoma e comparar com cães saudáveis. A expressão de galectina-1 e galectina-3 foi analisada em 30 melanomas caninos, seis melanocitomas e nove linfonodos metastáticos. A galectina-3 sérica foi mensurada em 30 cães com melanoma e comparada a 10 cães saudáveis. No melanoma canino a expressão de galectina-1 foi citoplasmática e a expressão de galectina-3 foi variável de acordo com o grau de agressividade. Notou-se uma redução na porcentagem de células com imunomarcação de galectina-3 citoplasmática e um aumento simultâneo da intensidade de imunomarcação nuclear, enquanto houve também uma diminuição na frequência percentual de células com imunomarcação nuclear de acordo com a progressão do melanoma comparando-se os casos menos com os mais agressivos. Cães com melanoma apresentaram níveis séricos aumentados de galectina-3 quando comparados a animais saudáveis, mostrando seu uso potencial como biomarcador em pacientes com melanoma.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Imuno-Histoquímica , Galectina 1 , Galectina 3 , Cães/anormalidades , Melanoma , Lectinas
Vet Ophthalmol ; 23(6): 964-978, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33058381


OBJECTIVE: Provide epidemiological data regarding the prevalence of congenital ocular malformations in dogs and cats. ANIMALS STUDIED: A population of 32 974 dogs and 13 977 cats that presented for consultation at the veterinary teaching hospital. PROCEDURES: Medical records from 2011 to 2018 were reviewed. A retrospective and prospective epidemiological clinical study addressing congenital ocular malformations was conducted. Signalment, medical history, reason for presentation, clinical findings, vision impairment, and treatment options were analyzed. RESULTS: From the total of cases analyzed, 103 dogs (0.3%) and 20 cats (0.1%) met the inclusion criteria. The majority of dogs were mixed breed, the most common breed being the French Bulldog, while the majority of cats were European domestic shorthair. The median age of diagnosis was 12 months for dogs and 6 months for cats. Sex predisposition was not found. The most frequently identified abnormalities were as follows: congenital cataract (dogs: 31.1%; cats: 30.0%), microphthalmia (dogs: 35.0%, cats: 25.0%), and persistent pupillary membrane (dogs: 27.2%, cats: 40.0%). Some of the concurrently observed malformations were significantly associated. A statistically significant association was found between ocular dermoids and the French Bulldog breed (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Even though congenital ocular malformations are uncommon, knowledge about their prevalence is important, since they can cause vision impairment or even blindness. Moreover, some human ocular disease phenotypes are similar to the ones presented by dogs and cats, so they can be used as models to investigate pathophysiology and therapeutic approaches.

Gatos/anormalidades , Cães/anormalidades , Anormalidades do Olho/veterinária , Animais , Anormalidades do Olho/epidemiologia , Anormalidades do Olho/terapia , Feminino , Masculino , Prevalência , Estudos Retrospectivos
Vet Surg ; 49(8): 1618-1625, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33009837


OBJECTIVE: To report the successful treatment of septic nonunion in two dogs with large segmental defects secondary to long-bone fractures by using a novel human placenta-derived matrix (hPM) as adjunct to fixation. ANIMALS: One 3-kg 9-year-old neutered male Yorkshire terrier with a distal antebrachial fracture and one 6-kg 4-year-old spayed female miniature pinscher with a distal humeral fracture. STUDY DESIGN: Short case series. METHODS: Both dogs presented for septic nonunion after internal fixation of Gustilo type II open diaphyseal fractures from dog bite injuries. During revision, debridement of nonviable bone resulted in segmental defects of 32% and 20% of the bone length for the antebrachial and humeral fractures, respectively. The antebrachial fracture was stabilized with a circular external fixator, and the humeral fracture was stabilized with biaxial bone plating. The fracture sites were not collapsed, and full length was maintained with the fixation. Autogenous cancellous bone graft and canine demineralized bone allograft were packed into the defects, and hPM was injected into the graft sites after closure. RESULTS: Radiographic union was documented at 8 weeks and 6 weeks for the antebrachial and humeral fractures, respectively. Both dogs became fully weight bearing on the affected limbs and returned to full activity. CONCLUSION: Augmenting fixation with grafts and hPM led to a relatively rapid union in both dogs reported here.

Autoenxertos/transplante , Matriz Óssea/química , Osso Esponjoso/transplante , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária , Fraturas Cominutivas/veterinária , Fraturas Mal-Unidas/veterinária , Placenta/química , Animais , Técnica de Desmineralização Óssea/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Feminino , Fixação de Fratura/métodos , Fraturas Cominutivas/cirurgia , Fraturas Cominutivas/terapia , Fraturas Mal-Unidas/cirurgia , Fraturas Mal-Unidas/terapia , Humanos , Fraturas do Úmero/cirurgia , Fraturas do Úmero/terapia , Fraturas do Úmero/veterinária , Masculino , Gravidez , Fraturas do Rádio/cirurgia , Fraturas do Rádio/terapia , Fraturas do Rádio/veterinária , Sepse/veterinária , Fraturas da Ulna/cirurgia , Fraturas da Ulna/terapia , Fraturas da Ulna/veterinária
Vet Surg ; 49(8): 1641-1647, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32976644


OBJECTIVE: To report the surgical technique and outcome for correction of complete unilateral duplication of the left urinary tract in a dog. ANIMALS: One 7-month-old entire male Jack Russell terrier. STUDY DESIGN: Case report METHODS: A dog was referred for investigation because of urinary incontinence (UI), preputial irritation (pruritus), diphallia, and cryptorchidism. Computed tomography including urethrographic studies revealed a left duplex kidney, double ectopic left ureters, and a duplex urinary bladder comprising two halves separated by a median septum, each of which emptied into a separate urethra which coursed through separate penises. The left testis was abdominally retained. The right upper urinary tract was considered normal, and the right testis was within the scrotum. Left sided ureteronephrectomy was performed, the median bladder septum was ablated, and the left urethra was ligated. The left penis was partially amputated, and the dog was castrated. RESULTS: Urinary incontinence was improved but persisted after surgery. After repeat imaging, revision surgery was performed 3 months later in which the distal stumps of the (left) ectopic ureters were found to be filling with urine from the right urethra. Urinary incontinence resolved after resection of these ureteric stumps from the prostate and complete transection of the left urethra. CONCLUSION: Extensive surgery with resection and correction of urinary tract duplication was successful in resolving UI in this case. Urogenital duplication should be considered a rare cause of UI. The presence of external congenital deformity (eg, diphallia) should alert clinicians to the possibility of significant concurrent internal abnormalities.

Anormalidades Múltiplas/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Genitália Masculina/cirurgia , Sistema Urinário/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Urogenitais/veterinária , Anormalidades Múltiplas/diagnóstico , Anormalidades Múltiplas/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidades Múltiplas/cirurgia , Animais , Cães/anormalidades , Genitália Masculina/anormalidades , Genitália Masculina/diagnóstico por imagem , Masculino , Resultado do Tratamento , Sistema Urinário/anormalidades , Sistema Urinário/diagnóstico por imagem
Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol ; 33(6): 451-456, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32777843


INTRODUCTION: Tarsal malformation is a skeletal malformation of unknown aetiology associated with a variety of morphologic changes to the tarsal and metatarsal bones of the dog. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if early diagnosis and prevalence of tarsal malformation could be obtained at approximately 8 to 9 weeks of age in multiple litters of Bernese Mountain dogs. METHODS: A prospective study of 51 Bernese Mountain dog puppies were evaluated from 12 litters in northern Italy. Dorsoplantar radiographic views of the tarsus were obtained at 60 ± 5 days of age. Tarsal malformation was defined as an abnormal extension of the central tarsal bone on its medial side, or the presence of ectopic bone located medially to the central tarsal bone, talus and second metatarsal bones (proximomedial, distomedial and metatarsal ossification sites respectively). RESULTS: All puppies were found to be clinically normal. Thirty-nine of the 51 puppies showed ossification sites medial to the tarsus as defined. A metatarsal ossification was present in all dogs with either a proximo- or distomedial ossification site. No central tarsal bone extensions were observed. The remainder of the tarsometatarsal joints were normal. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Tarsal malformation can be identified in the 8- to 9-week-old Bernese Mountain dog. The clinical significance of tarsal malformation remains to be determined, either as an incidental finding or a precursor to the development of other clinically relevant and related issues in the tarsus.

Cães/anormalidades , Radiografia/veterinária , Tarso Animal/anormalidades , Tarso Animal/diagnóstico por imagem , Fatores Etários , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos
J Vet Sci ; 21(4): e62, 2020 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32735099


A 5-month old Shih Tzu was diagnosed with congenital elbow luxation and uniapical complex angular deformity of the radius. Single radial oblique and dynamic ulnar osteotomies were performed, using patient-specific 3D-printed osteotomy guide. External skeletal fixation was maintained for three weeks to prevent re-luxation of elbow joint. Three months after the surgery, objective gait analysis indicated markedly improved limb function. In addition, radiograph showed improved congruity of elbow joint and appropriate bone healing. In dogs with congenital radial head luxation and concurrent complex angular deformity, a single oblique osteotomy might be a viable option to preserve bone length and correct the luxation of elbow joint.

Cães/cirurgia , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Osteotomia/veterinária , Animais , Cães/anormalidades , Luxações Articulares/congênito , Luxações Articulares/cirurgia , Masculino , Radiografia/veterinária , Rádio (Anatomia)/anormalidades , Rádio (Anatomia)/cirurgia
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(3): 115-119, jul./set. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491678


O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o caso clínico de uma cadela, sem raça definida, com cinco anos de idade, diagnosticada com leucemia mieloide crônica (LMC). As leucemias são neoplasias malignas que se originam de células precursoras da medula óssea e as consequências podem ser trombocitopenia, anemia, leucocitose persistente e presença de células neoplásicas no sangue. O tratamento de escolha envolve o uso de inibidores de tirosina quinase, porém este não pode ser usado neste caso. Dessa forma a cadela recebeu diferentes protocolos quimioterápicos que incluíram inicialmente hidroxiureia, citarabina, doxorrubicina e prednisona. Devido a remissão parcial dos sinais clínicos e a resposta terapêutica pouco duradoura a essas medicações o protocolo foi alterado para quimioterapia metronômica com clorambucil. O uso desses quimioterápicos não foram eficazes em reduzir a leucocitose e controlar a anemia e trombocitopenia da paciente, devido a ocorrência do surgimento de células imaturas no sangue e resistência aos quimioterápicos. Na ausência da crise e da possibilidade do uso dos inibidores de tirosina quinase, a hidroxiureia permanece sendo o quimioterápico de eleição. O animal apresentou sobrevida de 210 dias, devido a leucocitose e anemia severas pouco responsivas ao protocolo terapêutico utilizado e o surgimento no hemograma de precursores neutrofilicos que ocorreu 46 dias

The aim of this report is to present the clinical case of a five-year-old mixed breed female dog diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Leukemias are malignant neoplasms that originate from bone marrow precursor cells and the consequences can be thrombocytopenia, anemia, persistent leukocytosis and the presence of neoplastic cells in the blood. The treatment of choice involves the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, but it cannot be used in this case. Thus, the dog received different chemotherapy protocols that initially included hydroxyurea, cytarabine, doxorubicin and prednisone. Due to the partial remission of clinical signs and the short-term therapeutic response to these medications, the protocol was changed to metronomic chemotherapy with chlorambucil. The use of these chemotherapeutic agents was not effective in reducing leukocytosis and controlling the patient’s anemia and thrombocytopenia, due to the occurrence of immature cells in the blood and resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. In the absence of the crisis and the possibility of using tyrosine kinase inhibitors, hydroxyurea remains the chemotherapy of choice. The animal had a 210-day survival, due to severe leukocytosis and anemia, which were not responsive to the therapeutic protocol used and the appearance in the blood count of neutrophilic precursors that occurred 46 days after the beginning of hydroxyurea treatment.

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/diagnóstico , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/terapia , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/veterinária , Tratamento Farmacológico , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(3): 104-109, jul./set. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491681


O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a ocorrência dos critérios de Favrot em cães diagnosticados com Dermatite Atópica Canina (DAC) no Hospital Veterinário Professor Firmino Mársico Filho da Universidade Federal Fluminense, bem como sua associação com doenças concomitantes. Foram analisadas 2199 fichas propedêuticas com queixas dermatológicas, dos anos de 2016 e 2017. Do total, 165 (7,5%) animais foram diagnosticados com DAC dos quais 94 (57%) eram fêmeas e 71 (43%) machos. Embora os cães mestiços fossem a maioria dos casos (22,4%), a raça pura mais frequentemente acometida foi a Poodle (12,5%). Foram identificados 134 (81,2%) cães com cinco ou mais critérios de Favrot, sendo 32,7% animais com seis critérios, 26,7% com cinco critérios, 17,0% com sete critérios e 4,8% com oito critérios. Enfatiza-se o aparecimento em mais de 90% dos casos os critérios intradomiciliado, com prurido primário, responsivo à corticoterapia e com bordas das pinas não acometidas. Dos 165 animais avaliados, 115 (69,7%) eram portadores de uma ou mais afecções concomitantes à DAC, sendo a otite externa a principal (73%). Considera-se que os critérios de Favrot podem ser aplicados para a triagem dos pacientes com suspeita de dermatite atópica canina atendidos no HUVET-UFF.

The objective of this study was to analyze the occurrence of Favrot criteria in dogs diagnosed with Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) at the Veterinary Hospital Professor Firmino Mársico Filho of Universidade Federal Fluminense, as well as its association with concomitant diseases. A total of 2199 propaedeutic records with dermatological complaints from 2016 and 2017 were analyzed. Of the total, 165 (7.5%) animals were diagnosed with CAD. Among those diagnosed with CAD, 94 (57%) were females and 71 (43%) males. Although crossbreed dogs were the majority of cases (22.4%), the purebred dog most frequently affected by CAD was the Poodle (12.5%). One hundred and thirty four (81.2%) animals were identified with five or more Favrot criteria, 32.7% animals with six criteria, 26.7% with five criteria, 17.0% with seven criteria and 4.8% with eight criteria. It emphasizes the appearance in more than 90% of criteria, dog living mostly indoors,alesional pruritus, glucocorticoid-responsive pruritus and nonaffected ear margins. Of the 165 animals evaluated, 115 (69.7%) had one or more conditions concomitant with CAD, with otitis externa being the main one (73%). It is considered that the Favrot criteria can be applied for the screening of patients with suspected canine atopic dermatitis treated at HUVET-UFF.

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Dermatite Atópica/diagnóstico , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Hipersensibilidade
Vet Surg ; 49(6): 1221-1229, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32502297


OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of oversewing the transverse staple line after functional end-to-end stapled intestinal anastomoses (FEESA) on canine jejunal leakage pressures. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental, ex vivo, randomized study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Jejunal segments from three adult canine cadavers. METHODS: Jejunal segments were harvested within 2 hours of euthanasia and anastomosed (24 jejunal segments per group, consisting of two segments per construct with n = 12/ group). Constructs were then randomly assigned to receive FEESA alone, FEESA + Cushing oversew, or FEESA + simple-continuous oversew of the transverse staple line with 3-0 polydioxanone. Results for initial leakage pressure (ILP) and maximal leakage pressure (MLP) and initial leakage location (LL) were compared between groups. RESULTS: Mean ILP was 1.8-fold higher for FEESA + Cushing oversew (62.4 ± 7.8 mm Hg) compared with FEESA alone and FEESA + simple-continuous oversew (P < .001). Mean MLP were higher for both oversewn techniques compared with FEESA alone (P < .001). Oversewing the transverse staple line with either pattern increased mean MLP by 1.4-fold compared with FEESA alone. Leakage occurred at the level of the transverse staple line in nonoversewn constructs (P < .001). CONCLUSION: Oversewing the transverse staple line after FEESA increased MLP and decreased the occurrence of leakage at this location. Oversewing with a Cushing pattern increased ILP compared with oversew with a simple-continuous pattern. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Our results provide evidence to support oversewing the transverse staple line after FEESA. Doing so may reduce the occurrence of postoperative dehiscence. These findings warrant additional focused investigation in vivo through a prospective randomized clinical trial.

Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , Fístula Anastomótica/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Jejuno/cirurgia , Suturas/veterinária , Fístula Anastomótica/fisiopatologia , Animais , Cães/anormalidades
Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol ; 33(4): 227-234, 2020 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32396946


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the applicability of computer-assisted hexapod fixators in dogs and to consider the advantages and disadvantages during implementation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective study. The study material consisted of 11 deformed extremities of 6 dogs. The correction plans were defined according to multiple extremity radiographs of the dog and the clinical evaluation of deformities. All measurements were uploaded to Click2Correct software program. Latent, correction and consolidation periods of each dog were recorded. The hexapod external fixators were removed after completion of the correction. RESULTS: Data were adapted to the radiographic navigation software to be used during operation and postoperative period. The latent period ranged from 3 to 20 days, the correction period ranged from 7 to 20 days and the consolidation period ranged from 39 to 81 days. It was concluded that special fixators can be used in dogs with complex antebrachial deformities. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The ability to perform six axes correction at the same time has a considerable advantage, especially in dogs with complex antebrachial deformities. It is practical to use this fixation system in dogs with antebrachial deformities.

Cães/anormalidades , Fixadores Externos/veterinária , Membro Anterior/anormalidades , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador/veterinária , Animais , Cães/cirurgia , Seguimentos , Membro Anterior/diagnóstico por imagem , Membro Anterior/cirurgia , Avaliação de Processos e Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde , Estudos Prospectivos , Radiografia/veterinária